input age here in years with decimals (if you put a decimal in a hover over it with your mouse it will say put in a vailid number I am uncertain how to fix this message but my program doesnt care and will still function properly I am unsure how to fix this bug)

input height here in with cm other messurments should work but are untested (if you put a decimal in a hover over it with your mouse it will say put in a vailid number I am uncertain how to fix this message but my program doesnt care and will still function properly I am unsure how to fix this bug)

The Result is :
math number for trouble shotting (if this is above 1 or negtive you put something in wrong)

head hight
chin to shoulder
width of shoulder
shoulder to nipple
shoulder to navel
shoulder to croutch
length of upper limb
arm length
length of forarm and hand
length of lower limb
crotch to bottem of knees
bottom of knees to heels
head length
head width
height of face
length of nose
length of mouth
length of eyes
length of hand
length of middle finger
thumb radius
width of palm
length of foot
width of foot
langth of midle toe